Jaman sekarang nih ya, kalau pada ga tau Harlem shake pasti dibilang ketinggalan jaman. mungkin masih ada ya beberapa yang belum tau harlem shake yang 'katanya' saingan Oppagangnam style.
memang seru sih sebenarnya kalau liat orang-orang ngelakuin harlem shake. pada heboh semua dan pastinya range orang-orang yang melakukannya ga terbatas jadi bener-bener banyak yang mencoba membuat harlem shake.
dan hasilnya? Semuanya Bikin Ngakak.
Eh tapi kan gue (upss...) tapi kan saya anak psikologi nih, jadi ada gak ya hubungan tarian ini dengan ilmu psikologi?
Sure, it's a ridiculous name. But pay attention: Buried in those
YouTube clips are some truths about why company culture is so important.
What would make grown adults wear absurd costumes, bump and grind on chair
legs, and benchpress small co-workers in pulsating rhythm? On a random Thursday
morning? In a lecture hall or office cafeteria?
The Harlem Shake is a dance fest that is
sweeping the nation. Individuals, university students, and entire companies are
shaking in unison and posting the silliness on YouTube.
YouTube reported on February 12 that
12,000 Harlem Shake videos have been uploaded since the first of February, and
watched over 44 million times.
Read on to learn three universal truths this ridiculous dance reveals--and
how they can impact your company culture for the better.
Truth #1: We want to feel.
The Harlem Shake is all about unabashed emotion. Moving freely with that
unmistakable beat, people feel, if even for 30 seconds in front
of a camera, that they are alive and not sleepwalking through their day.
So much of our waking life is spent at work. And let's face it, for many
people, work sucks. And it sucks because most workplaces are mediocre, static,
safe, and merely "functional."
But vibrant cultures make us feel. And they are fun. And I'm not
talking about that b.s. office party kind of fun, but real, engaged,
purposeful, hootenanny kind of fun. Culture is not something to define, but an
energy to be felt.
Help people feel something, anything--excitement, contentment, joy, zeal, flow, effort, curiosity--and you will
unleash ambassadors to carry your cause and your company's mission further than
you ever could.
Truth #2: We want to connect.
If any one of us performed this dance flying solo we would look delusional.
But in tandem with others, it somehow seems less insane, even acceptable, to
look like a fool. This shared experience binds us with other crazy
The same thing is true for company culture. Connecting with other people
through shared experiences and honest dialogue emboldens us to take risks,
execute fearlessly, and collaborate intelligently. What we won't do alone,
we're likely to do with fellow sojourners. Taken from an African proverb,
"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go
My proverb: "If you want to feel sane, do crazy stuff with other crazy
Truth #3: We want to belong.
Maslow said it was third on the list of
psychological needs--the need to belong.
The scads of people in those Harlem Shake uploads are not random strangers.
These dances are planned and performed by a group of people that know each
other well. They are a tribe of people--roommates, teammates, coworkers,
families--that say to the video-viewing world "we're together." It's
about trust and identity.
Humans have a psychological need to belong to a group. We need to feel loved
and accepted. When we don't, social anxiety can run amuck, leaving us socially
paralyzed and unable to be authentic.
Creating a sense of belonging in a company culture is not difficult. Smaller
teams working toward the same goal can create it. Sharing values with your
co-workers can create it. Rituals that build cohesion and pride can create it.
And even sharing an obnoxious dance that no one understands can create it.
psychological hints: terkadang individu akan melakukan katarsis (freud, teori psikoanalitis) dan mereka biasanya melakukannya dengan cara sendiri. misalnya memukul dan lain-lain. namun ada juga yang melakukannya dengan cara-cara yang tidak biasa. selain itu dalam teori psikologi pendidikan, kita juga memiliki self efficacy dimana kita percaya bahwa kita bisa melakukan sesuatu. dalam hal ini, orang-orang yang melakukan harlem shake percaya bahwa mereka bisa melakukan harlem shake.
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